
Vending machines in Japan: special report

Vending machines in Japan: special report


is a country with lots of machines; it is one of the world leaders in robotics and the maximum exponent of videogames. The Japanese society is based on a vast consumerism. This has the consequence that Japanese family savings are less than in other countries of the first world and the sales of Japanese local products are higher than foreign products.

A clear example of this are vending machines that sell just about everything one can think of. With one vending machine per an estimated 23 people (according to the Japan Vending Machine Manufacturers Association), Japan has one of the world’s highest vending machine densities, a number that is seven times superior to that of Spain and two and a half that of USA. Machines can be found all over the cities, smaller towns and even in the countryside. Almost none of them are vandalized or otherwise non-functional.
japan vending machine coca-cola coke cans japanese market
Variety is the name of the game
A majority of machines sell non-alcoholic beverages such as soft drinks, juice, vitamin drinks, tea and coffee for reasonable 110 to 120 Yen less than 1euro. Cold and hot beverages are available. Vending machines that sell alcoholic beverages and cigarettes are also numerous. Many more varieties of vending machines can be found in smaller numbers. They sell goods such as ice cream, rice, instant cameras, cup noodles and even omikuji, the small fortune telling slips of paper sold at shrines and temples. Consumerism is the best well known reason for this situation but, in reality, the biggest reason of all is because of taxes.

japan vending machine coca-cola coke cans japanese marketIn Japan two things happen: nearly any land that could be built on is already built on and the taxes over the lands are very high. The only solution for many families or businesses is making enough money with vending machines to make the annual payment of taxes profitable. Also, in a place where space restrictions are so important, it is very difficult to store products in one’s house. This is another reason why vending is very relevant. In Japan these machines dispense all types of products such as fresh eggs, porn, beer, jewellery, live bait and even toilet paper.

Resons for success
The National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA) attributes the country’s success with vending machines to its chronic shortage of space. “Folks there are using vending as an adjunct to their day-to-day living cycle,” he says. “Instead of stocking snack or beverage items in their kitchens, they use vending.” The numbers speak for themselves: According to NAMA, Japan claims one machine for every 23 people, versus one per 50 in the United States.

Machines account for some $56 billion of ...

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